#MyCapturedMoment – 9/52

It’s been another quick week over at the Flash house this week. I honestly do not know where time goes at the moment. 

In a nice change however, we have started to see a bit of spring sunshine which is nice. So we’ve taken lots of trips to the park. 

Beans and Chips have got such a lovely relationship now. It’s so sweet. They just adore each other. Beans has started asking to push Chips on the swing which is just beyond cute (and sometimes marginally dangerous).

Mum flew off on holiday this week for some much needed rest and relaxation. It’s going to be strange without her but she really needs the break. 

So here is a roundup of our week. 

My Throwback Captured Moment

Everyone loves a sandcar. Don’t they? 

Dymchurch Beach somewhere around 1988 I would have guessed. I have so many fantastic memories down on that beach and I wish that we lived closer as I would love to take the girls. Perhaps we will one day. Who knows. 

#MyCapturedMoment is a lovely linky created and hosted by the lovely Heledd at Running in Lavender where you can link up some of your favourite photo moments. So often in this digital age, photos get stored on cameras, computers and tiny little cards and so many of those magical moments get forgotten. So this link is a lovely way of sharing and remembering some of those magic moments

Running in Lavender

World Book Day 2015

I’m going to be honest. When we got the note home from Nursery about World Book Day I got excited. I know, daft. But it was our first real dressing up and I got excited at the thought of getting my craft on. 

Then I thought about it. What the bloody chuff am I going to create. She’s little. She moves, all the bloody time. She also isn’t an overly girly girl. That’s probably my fault, because I’m not. She gets fed up of the fairy wings after a couple of minutes, and give her a wand and you are likely to lose an eye! 

One of her favourite books to read, apart from The Gruffalo, is Cinderella. We have a rhyming version with the same passage at the end of every page that she always reads to me. So, with a bit of a discussion with Mum, Cinders was the option. 

And we decided to go for cinders, because above anything else, the costume was fairly easy! 

I got a brown pillow case, cut a head hole and some arm holes. Ragged it up a bit, dabbed it with a used but still damp teabag for some stains and then cut up an old t-shirt for some patches. With a white t-shirt and white tights, outfit done. Simples. 

To finish the look, I used an old cardigan belt for a belt, and put in a duster, jay cloth and she took her dustpan and brush as well. I tried to mess her hair up a bit but no amount of mousse or gel was holding it so gave up. Some black eyeshadow for a bit of dirt and job done! 

Primarily, Beans loved it and that was the most important thing. She thought she looked like a princess and I’m happy with that. I asked her who she was and she kept calling herself cinderbella which was very cute! 

I did get my World Book Day vibe crushed a bit on taking her into nursery. 

Not many of the children had dressed up, and the ones who had were predominantly shop brought. I’ve got no problem with that but it was nice to make something, especially as it was fairly simple to do! 

So, thinking cap is already on for next year! 

Did you or your little ones dress up for World Book Day? 

#mycapturedmoment – 8/52

I was too late to officially link up this week, but I still thought that I would write the post. 

We had a lovely, yet busy week last week. I still can’t get over quite how quickly time is going at the moment. It forever seems to be Friday before I know it. 

Beans had 3 lovely days at Nursery and we had a wonderful Mother’s Day yesterday. 

So here are a few pictures of our week. 

(I promise to do better next week and get the post done on time!!) 

#MyCapturedMoment is a lovely linky created and hosted by the lovely Heledd at Running in Lavender where you can link up some of your favourite photo moments. So often in this digital age, photos get stored on cameras, computers and tiny little cards and so many of those magical moments get forgotten. So this link is a lovely way of sharing and remembering some of those magic moments

Running in Lavender

#MyCapturedMoment – 7/52

Sometimes, it’s hard to find words. It’s been the kind of week this week where  I’ve wanted to say a million words, yet haven’t been able to say them. 

So this week, this #mycapturedmoment is for 2 people who I wish I could have even 1 more moment with (although a million more wouldn’t be enough). This week marked the 6 month and 1 month anniversary of losing 2 special people. 

Just know, there isn’t an hour of the day that passes when I don’t think about either of you and I miss you both so very very much. 

#MyCapturedMoment is a lovely linky created and hosted by the lovely Heledd at Running in Lavender where you can link up some of your favourite photo moments. So often in this digital age, photos get stored on cameras, computers and tiny little cards and so many of those magical moments get forgotten. So this link is a lovely way of sharing and remembering some of those magic moments

Running in Lavender

What Beans and Chips Loved…February 2015

It’s been another funny month here, as many of you will already know. But in that manic time, there has still been lots of lovely moments. 

Chips has now hit 8 months and she and Beans have really started to play and interact together. It’s lovely to hear them laughing together. 

So here we go….

What Beans loved…

  1. Reading time with Yiayia 
  2. Sleepy cuddles
  3. Playing with Chips
  4. Parcels from Nanny & Grandad Flash
  5. The chocolate fountain at the Chinese
  6. Driving the car. We went on a journey to the seaside and the shops
  7. Seeing Justin Live at CBebbies Land 

What Chips loved…

  1. Weaning is still fun. This was a prawn cracker 
  2. Going for rides in my new wheels
  3. Swings – these are a very exciting new concept
  4. Bathtime is far more fun now I can sit and splash 
  5. Yummy lunches
  6. Sitting up!! by myself!!! To play with my toys 
  7. Sophie Giraffe! She’s aces 

What Beans and Chips loved is a monthly feature based on the original What Chiplet Loved hosted by the lovely Rachel at Dinky Thinks. Head on over to her site and check out Chiplet’s adventures this month…

Dinky Thinks

#MyCapturedMoment – 6/52

This week has been brighter. And boy do I feel better for it. 

I’ve changed a few things, personal things, and whilst I’m not sure of the outcome in the long run, they have definitely improved in the short term. 

This week has been all about family time. C was on lates this week, and Monday I was so daunted by putting 2 small children to bed by myself. But I needn’t have worried. It was fine and C got home just in the nick of time. 

There has been cinema trips, brunch with friends, an outing to the Panto (yes I know it’s the end of February) and it was great. I’ve taken things slower, tried to appreciate the small and not worry so much about the big or the unknown. 

One of my favourite moments of the day is always bathtime. A) it means it’s nearly bedtime and B) the girls have so much fun together. Chips is finally sitting by herself now which makes life a hell of a lot easier. 

So here is my favourite moment from this week. I just love their little faces and I can still remember the giggles (and the water everywhere!!) 

My Throwback Captured Moment 

Me and my little sister on holiday. We would probably have been around 5 and 2. We had so many wonderful holidays down in Dymchurch, Kent. I hope that my girls have such lovely memories of holidays when they are older. 

  #MyCapturedMoment is a lovely linky created and hosted by the lovely Heledd at Running in Lavender where you can link up some of your favourite photo moments. So often in this digital age, photos get stored on cameras, computers and tiny little cards and so many of those magical moments get forgotten. So this link is a lovely way of sharing and remembering some of those magic moments

Running in Lavender

#WotW – foggy

I’m going to be honest. I’ve missed a few of these. Partly because I just haven’t had time to blog, partly because it’s been a really tough few weeks, and partly because I just can’t quite put all of the events of the last few weeks into any number of words, let alone one. 

But finally, this week, things are starting to get a little bit easier. By little bit, I mean I only have 1 ill child this week instead of two, there haven’t been any funerals to arrange or attend, and life is very slowly starting to get back to some form of normality. 

When I look back over the last 6 months, I honestly think that we have dealt with most than more normal people.

  •  Nobody should ever have to arrange 2 funerals in such a short space of time
  • Nobody should have to worry that the funeral directors are going to get it wrong (and they did)
  • Nobody should lose 2 such key members of their family in such a short space of time 

And I’ll be honest. It’s been hard. Really hard. There have been times when I’ve had some horrid moments in my head. I now have the most awful upsetting dreams. But I mainly feel totally numb – the majority of the time. I say “I’m fine” because in truth, I have to be. Because I think if I stopped and thought about it I would completely unravel. My mind feels foggy. 

But this week, that fog has started to lift slightly. I’m not saying it’s all sunshine in my world, far from it, but it’s better. This week has been more normal. There has been coffee, nights out, brunch, a cinema trip and lots of lovely time with my little family. 

So this week’s word of the week is foggy. And I am so hoping that it will be a distant thing in the near future. 

The Reading Residence

My Memories of Grandma

My memories of grandma
There really are a few
So are you sitting comfortably?
Probably not, it is a pew!

My grandma she was always there
For good times and for bad
But this is a time for happy thoughts
It’s no time to be sad

I remember countless stories
From her adventures through the war
I hold the Farley carvings in the wall
In a special memory store

There were so many holidays
To dalacres in Kent
Sandcastles down upon the beach
As grandad came and went

I remember eating breakfast
Watching elephants on the hill
And listening to the lions roar
When all was calm and still

There was the story of the lambs
She used to tell us in the car
It’s impossible to tell you
Cos it was always quite bizarre

It never ever was the same
She changed it every time
But I still smile at the memory
(And at least it helped me rhyme)

On another lovely holiday
I fell from the top bunk
And despite staying fast asleep
It did make quite a clunk

We finally got sorted
In the big bed I did go
But Grams could not stop laughing
Until Alyx told her no!

And when they moved to Denstone
It was so nice to have her near
She’d always have the kettle on and say
Have a piece of cake my dear

As I grew up, I’d just pop in
Whenever I was near
And she’d always be there with a smile
And a gentle listening ear

I remember quite a funny time
You see she was afraid of mice
Well I gave her a toy fluffy one
She jumped and screamed in fright

She saw me marry a lovely man,
And have her great-Grandaughter Ellie
Was there anyone she was fonder of,
No chance not on your Nellie

Ellie was joined by Georgia
She adored them both the same
They’ve got a special picture each
Of gubby in a frame

My dear old darling Gramsy
How we will miss you so
it won’t be the same without you
But We’ll meet again, I know

So now this rhyme has ended
It wasn’t smooth as silk
But now it’s time to have a brew
And remember, not much milk!

#MyCapturedMoment – 5/52

Slight change to my normal format for this post this week.

It’s been a while since I last blogged, primarily because 2 weeks ago today we lost my darling Gramsy. She had been poorly a while, but even at 95, I never thought the end would come. Stupid I know, but hey.

So this post, is just a very few of my favourite moments with my Grams. They are all fairly recent, but there isn’t enough time in the world to put together all the pictures I love with her.

So this one is for you Grams….


Running in Lavender

#MyCapturedMoment – 4/52

I thought that I would take a slightly different twist on #mycapturedmoment this week. Chips turned 7 months on Monday and I was thinking back to her first precious moments in this world. So I thought rather than look back over the week (especially as I have only just done my What Beans and Chips loved post for the month) that I would look back at their first magic moments. 

These are not the first photos of my girls, they will always be special and just for us, but they are the first photo that was ever shared. 

Beans – 4 hours old

Chips – 2 hours old


Throwback Captured Moment

In keeping with the first moments theme, here is my first moment!




Previous Captured Moments




#MyCapturedMoment is a lovely linky created and hosted by the lovely Heledd at Running in Lavender where you can link up some of your favourite photo moments. So often in this digital age, photos get stored on cameras, computers and tiny little cards and so many of those magical moments get forgotten. So this link is a lovely way of sharing and remembering some of those magic moments

Running in Lavender